French Version
Apple Scone Cake ou Gâteau aux pommes
Quand j’ai vu cette recette sur le site de « joyofbaking », ce gâteau m’a donné envie.
La texture d’un scone géant est très bonne.
J’avoue que la pate collait aux mains et n’était pas facile à étaler. Conseil : avant de pétrir la pate, fariner bien le plan de travail. Si la pate colle aux doigts, rajouter de la farine.
Mais à part ca, le gâteau est délicieux.
Vous allez vous régaler !
IL vous faut :
Pate :
280 gr de farine
100 gr de sucre
1 ½ c à soupe de levure chimique
pincée du sel
113 gr du beurre, coupé en dés
2 œufs
120 ml du lait
1 c à café d’extrait de vanille
454 gr de pommes, coupées en petits morceaux
2-3 c à soupe de sucre
¼ c à café de cannelle
Mélanger 1 œuf et ½ verre de lait ensemble. Laisser à part.
Dans un grand bol mélanger la farine, le sel, la levure chimique. Ajouter bu beurre.
Dans au autre bol fouetter vivement 1 œuf et le lait + l’extrait de vanille. Mélanger bien.
Incorporer cette préparation à la farine. Mélanger bien.
Roulez la pate en boule et diviser en 2 parties. Etaler les deux boules de pate au rouleau.
Beurrer le moule à tarte.
Garnir un fon de moule à tarte avec la première boule de pate.
Y disposer les pommes coupées. Saupoudrer les pommes de cannelle et de sucre.
Etaler la deuxième boule de pate sur les pommes.
Bien former/coller les bords.
Badigeonner la pate au pinceau d’un mélange d’œuf/lait.
Mettre le gâteau au four et cuire au four préchauffé à 180 C pendant 35-45 minutes.
English Version
Apple Scone Cake
This wonderful recipe comes from the site
When I saw this recipe, I was so excite to prepare it. It turned out to be amazingly delicious.
As a warning, the dough is a little bit sticky, so be sure to flour your hands heavily when kneading.
The dough was not easy to spread but believe me it is worth preparing it as it tastes even better than it looks.
The full version of the recipe is available. Click on the link:
Scone Dough:
2 cups (280 grams) all purpose flour
1/2 cup (100 grams) granulated white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup (113 grams) (1 stick) unsalted butter, cold and cut into pieces
2 large eggs, divided
1/2 cup (120 ml) milk, divided
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 pound (454 grams) Granny Smith Apples, peeled, cored, and cut into 1 inch (2.54 cm) chunks 2-3 tablespoons (30 - 45 grams) granulated white sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Granulated white sugar
Preparation :
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Butter (or spray with Pam) a 9 inch (23 cm) glass pie plate.
In a small bowl whisk together one egg and 1 tablespoon from the 1/2 cup milk. Set this aside as it will be used as a glaze for the top of the cake.
In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Cut the butter into small pieces and blend into the flour mixture with a pastry blender or two knives. The mixture should look like coarse crumbs. In a separate small bowl whisk together the remaining egg, remaining milk, and vanilla extract and add to the flour mixture, stirring just until the dough comes together. Do not over mix the dough.
Transfer to a lightly floured surface and knead dough gently four or five times and then divide the dough in half. Roll or pat one half of the dough into a 9 inch (23 cm) circle and transfer to the pie plate and pat onto the bottom and up the sides of the pie plate
In a separate bowl toss together the cut apples, sugar and cinnamon. Spread the apples evenly over the bottom of the dough in the pie plate.
Roll the remaining dough into a 9 inch (23 cm) circle, on a lightly floured surface, and gently place the dough over the apples. With your fingers seal the edges of the top and bottom crusts. Brush the top of the dough with the egg and milk glaze, and sprinkle with white sugar. Cut a slit in the center of the dough to allow the steam to escape.
Bake in the preheated oven for about 35 - 45 minutes or until the pastry is nicely browned and a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
Cool on a wire rack. Serve warm with a dollop of whipped cream or ice cream.
Serves 6 to 8.
Apple Scone Cake ou Gâteau aux pommes
Quand j’ai vu cette recette sur le site de « joyofbaking », ce gâteau m’a donné envie.
La texture d’un scone géant est très bonne.
J’avoue que la pate collait aux mains et n’était pas facile à étaler. Conseil : avant de pétrir la pate, fariner bien le plan de travail. Si la pate colle aux doigts, rajouter de la farine.
Mais à part ca, le gâteau est délicieux.
Vous allez vous régaler !
IL vous faut :
Pate :
280 gr de farine
100 gr de sucre
1 ½ c à soupe de levure chimique
pincée du sel
113 gr du beurre, coupé en dés
2 œufs
120 ml du lait
1 c à café d’extrait de vanille
454 gr de pommes, coupées en petits morceaux
2-3 c à soupe de sucre
¼ c à café de cannelle
Mélanger 1 œuf et ½ verre de lait ensemble. Laisser à part.
Dans un grand bol mélanger la farine, le sel, la levure chimique. Ajouter bu beurre.
Dans au autre bol fouetter vivement 1 œuf et le lait + l’extrait de vanille. Mélanger bien.
Incorporer cette préparation à la farine. Mélanger bien.
Roulez la pate en boule et diviser en 2 parties. Etaler les deux boules de pate au rouleau.
Beurrer le moule à tarte.
Garnir un fon de moule à tarte avec la première boule de pate.
Y disposer les pommes coupées. Saupoudrer les pommes de cannelle et de sucre.
Etaler la deuxième boule de pate sur les pommes.
Bien former/coller les bords.
Badigeonner la pate au pinceau d’un mélange d’œuf/lait.
Mettre le gâteau au four et cuire au four préchauffé à 180 C pendant 35-45 minutes.
English Version
Apple Scone Cake
This wonderful recipe comes from the site
When I saw this recipe, I was so excite to prepare it. It turned out to be amazingly delicious.
As a warning, the dough is a little bit sticky, so be sure to flour your hands heavily when kneading.
The dough was not easy to spread but believe me it is worth preparing it as it tastes even better than it looks.
The full version of the recipe is available. Click on the link:
Scone Dough:
2 cups (280 grams) all purpose flour
1/2 cup (100 grams) granulated white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup (113 grams) (1 stick) unsalted butter, cold and cut into pieces
2 large eggs, divided
1/2 cup (120 ml) milk, divided
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 pound (454 grams) Granny Smith Apples, peeled, cored, and cut into 1 inch (2.54 cm) chunks 2-3 tablespoons (30 - 45 grams) granulated white sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Granulated white sugar
Preparation :
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Butter (or spray with Pam) a 9 inch (23 cm) glass pie plate.
In a small bowl whisk together one egg and 1 tablespoon from the 1/2 cup milk. Set this aside as it will be used as a glaze for the top of the cake.
In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Cut the butter into small pieces and blend into the flour mixture with a pastry blender or two knives. The mixture should look like coarse crumbs. In a separate small bowl whisk together the remaining egg, remaining milk, and vanilla extract and add to the flour mixture, stirring just until the dough comes together. Do not over mix the dough.
Transfer to a lightly floured surface and knead dough gently four or five times and then divide the dough in half. Roll or pat one half of the dough into a 9 inch (23 cm) circle and transfer to the pie plate and pat onto the bottom and up the sides of the pie plate
In a separate bowl toss together the cut apples, sugar and cinnamon. Spread the apples evenly over the bottom of the dough in the pie plate.
Roll the remaining dough into a 9 inch (23 cm) circle, on a lightly floured surface, and gently place the dough over the apples. With your fingers seal the edges of the top and bottom crusts. Brush the top of the dough with the egg and milk glaze, and sprinkle with white sugar. Cut a slit in the center of the dough to allow the steam to escape.
Bake in the preheated oven for about 35 - 45 minutes or until the pastry is nicely browned and a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
Cool on a wire rack. Serve warm with a dollop of whipped cream or ice cream.
Serves 6 to 8.
Russian Version
Яблочный пирог
Яблочные пироги мне всегда приходились по вкусу. Очередной раз я посетила мой любимый сайт, где случайно обнаружила рецепт этого замечательного пирога, который мне так захотелось воспроизвести.
Тесто пирога получается очень мягким, он ароматен, яблоки со вкусом корицы тают во рту.
Хочу вас предупредить, что нужно хорошо просыпать мукой доску, так как тесто получается немного липким.
Итак, чтобы приготовить этотй семейный-домашний рецепт яблочного пирога, вам понадобится:
280 гр муки
100 гр сахара
1 ½ ст ложка разрыхлителя
Щепотка соли
113 гр масла, комнатной температуры, порезанного на кусочки
2 яйца
120 мл молока
1 ч ложка ванильной эссенции
454 гр яблок или 2 больших яблока, порезанного на кусочки
2-3 ст ложки сахара
¼ ч ложки корицы
Смешать 1 яйцо и ½ стакана молока. Отставить в сторону.
В большой чашке смешать муку, соль, разрыхлитель. Затем добваить масло.
В другой чашке всбить яйцо, оставшееся молоко + ванильнцю эссенцию. Хорошо перемешать.
Добавить яйца, молоко, ванильнцю эссенцию в муку. Хорошо перемешать.
Приготовить тесто. Тесто разделить на 2 части, раскатать на хорошо просыпанной мукой доске.
Перенести 1ый слой теста в форму для выпечки, заранее ее смазать слив маслом.
Выложить на тесто яблоки, распределить их равномерно. Посыпать корицей и сахаром.
Выложить 2ой слой теста на яблоки.
Верх пирога смазать яйцом-молоком.
Проколоть пирог вилкой или ножом.
Выпекать в разогоетой духовке при 180 С в течении 35-45 минут.