French Version
Soupe à l'oignon
Cette recette vient du livre « Aimer la cuisine des bouchons de Lyon « de Emmanuel Ferra
(Bouchon Le Garet )
pour 6-8 personnes, il vous faut :
200 gr d'oignons = 3 oignons
50 gr de beurre
1 verre de vin blanc
2 cubes de bouillon de poule = 1,5 l d'eau
tranches de pain
gruyère râpe
Comment faire :
Mettre dans une casserole le beurre, faire revenir les oignons coupés en tranches
Remuer toujours à la spatule jusqu'à obtenir une coloration d'un blond foncé
Déglacer au vin blanc, laisser réduire.
Ajouter le bouillon de poule. Porter à ébullition.
Faire baisser le feu, saler et laisser bouillir 15 minutes
Servir avec du pain toasté et du fromage râpé
English Version
French Onion Soup with toasted bread and grated cheese
Today I am proposing you the recipe of a savory, comforting and warm french onion soup. The recipe comes from the book « Aimer la cuisine des bouchons de Lyon « de Emmanuel Ferra (« Love for the cuisine of Lyons’ bouchons » written by Emmanuel Ferra (Bouchon Le Garet )
Here is the restaurant’s address :
Le Garet
7, Rue du Garet,
69001 Lyon
What is it Lyon’s bouchon ? Is is a small restaurant where one can eat popular Lyons’ specialties.
Here is the recipe of the soup:
Serves 6-8
200 gr of onions = 3 onions
50 gr of butter
1 glass of white wine
2 cubes of chicken broth=1.5 l of water
Salt, pepper to your taste
Some slices of toasted bread
Some grated cheese
How to make it:
In a large, heavy bottomed pot, melt the butter over medium-low heat.
Add the cut onions and cook for about 10-15 minutes on medium heat.
Add white wine and reduce the liquid to about half of its original volume at low heat.
Add the chicken stock and increase the heat to high.
Season with salt and pepper.
Bring the soup to a boil, and then reduce the heat to low and simmer, partially covered, for about 15 minutes.
In the meantime, grate cheese and sprinkle it on each toasted slice of bread. Place under a low broiler setting until cheese is slightly browned.
To serve, ladle the soup into soup bowls. Place the taste bread on it and serve immediately.
Russian Version
Французский луковый суп с гренками и сыром
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